Comments on: Discovering the True Value of the A3 Process Lean Production | Lean Manufacturing | LEI | Lean Services Wed, 19 Jul 2023 16:46:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: mojahed Fri, 09 Sep 2022 16:01:32 +0000 http://localhost:10003/the-lean-post/articles/the-a3-process-discovery-at-toyota-and-what-it-can-do-for-you/#comment-41796 Hi again John! I wish two things. The first to be as a worker in Toyota. The second to be your trainee. I am studying A3 to understand more deeper it’s meaning. As I follow your great articles in this great website, I get more and more. I am retired and work as a management consultant in my city, Tehran. I am a member of the Association of Iranian Ex-Participants in JICA Training Courses. And participated in a training course, Productivity Improvement, that is held by AOTS in Yokohama City. The president of a production company asked me to help managers about A3 report. Now I am learning and helping them. Your articles are very useful for me. I understand that A3 Report is not only one page report. It is a way of thinking. There are at least 4 approaches under the table. Process approach, PDCA, Problem Solving and Long Term Philosophy. I am proud to be your virtual student, and eagerly follow your great articles. Thank you so much!

By: Paul Todd Wed, 03 Aug 2022 13:48:57 +0000 http://localhost:10003/the-lean-post/articles/the-a3-process-discovery-at-toyota-and-what-it-can-do-for-you/#comment-35278 Very good – thank you John. I’m beginning to see the depth of something I was told many years ago regarding the intended outcome of any kaizen activity. The problem at hand should be addressed of course, but the development and growth of the team working on the problem should be improved as well.

I had not fully extended this idea to A3 thinking until now, so thanks!

By: mojahed Tue, 19 Jul 2022 02:03:38 +0000 http://localhost:10003/the-lean-post/articles/the-a3-process-discovery-at-toyota-and-what-it-can-do-for-you/#comment-33480 Hi John! Thank you for opening my eyes to the second side of this coin. I did not think to the main philosophy of this apparently simple tool that it leads people to think, communicate and learn for solving the problems and developing organization. I shared it via linked-in. Good Luck!
