Comments on: How Can Lean Help Manage the Costs and Complications of Satisfying Customers During Rapid Growth? Lean Production | Lean Manufacturing | LEI | Lean Services Tue, 31 Jan 2023 20:29:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: Nate Tue, 31 Jan 2023 20:29:22 +0000 It seems to me the chief concern of this post is to balance the innovation of the customer experience with the necessary hoop jumping required of any start up operation. It addresses the balance between going the extra mile to satisfy the customer, and also ensure that those practices are not rejected by the market, speaking to the business’ futility and eventual failure. My greatest question is why is this the main concern of a start up business? The analogy of a business and a living organism always fits. It will do what it must to survive. Why would the natural ‘tried and true’ methods of business not be at the forefront, at least until there is greater stability with which to found a shift, and a shift that the article claims must be accepted by the market at large? Perhaps I lack understanding of the necessary ambition accompanying innovation.


